Kathleen(Kathie) Mary Hughes, 68, passed away in her home in Wallingford, Pennsylvania, on January 23,2021. Kathleen was born to Don and Joan Hughes on May 26, 1952 in Brooklyn, New York. She was the first of five children. Kathie earned a Bachelor’s degree from Almeda University in Social Services. She worked for the department of employment in New York City for more than 10 years and resided in Brooklyn until 1994 when she moved to Pennsylvania to be closer to her mother. Being a single mother, Kathie made many sacrifices for her children, all the while never complaining. Kindness came naturally to her and she was always willing to help the next person in need. She was a strong woman, both in spirit and in will. Forever optimistic, Kathie was resilient in the face of adversity – a trait she passed on to each of her children. Kathie loved watching Law and Order, I Love Lucy, and the Food Network. She had a passion for cooking and loved to experiment in the kitchen.Her most proud accomplishment was raising her four boys. Christopher most appreciates her teaching him to enjoy traveling and culture. Vincent cherishes her love the most and intends to honor her memory by sharing it with all those in his life. Richard is most thankful for her unwavering support. Brendan’s best memories are in the kitchen, with his mom teaching him how to cook. Words cannot describe the tremendous loss we all feel with the passing of Kathleen. She was incredibly creative and kind. She was the apple of so many peoples eye. She was brilliant and quick witted in a way that so many of us appreciated and enjoyed. She had her father’s intellect and her mother’s tenacity. She was loving and loved and we never had enough time with her.She is survived by her four children, Christopher (Kimberly), Vincent (Ashley), Richard (Jennifer), and Brendan (Alexandria); her seven grandchildren (Kaylee, Megan, Bradley, Elizabeth, Jayden, Taylor, and Harper); her four siblings, Don, Kevin (Diane), Theresa and Bryan; her 8 nieces/nephews; her 9 great-nieces/great-nephews; and her Aunt Ann and Uncle John, as well as their children and grandchildren. She will be missed immensely.Rather than read something at the service, her son Richard wanted to include a personal message here: “My mother was quite an exceptional woman. In her youth, Coney Island was where you could find her. A few years before the start of this millennium, she received an accolade for the 10 years of dedicated civil service she had under her belt from the state of New York. Shortly thereafter, she took us boys and moved us to a quiet suburb outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Now that she’s gone home to save our seats for us, I see now, more than I ever have before, how lucky I was to have had a mother who so perfectly encompassed what it means to love and accept me (warts and all). If ever there were words strong enough to express the debt of gratitude we all owe our mothers for their tireless efforts and countless sacrifices, Kathleen would be someone that could find them. Raising us boys upright and doing right by her family was a big part of our mother’s identity. The fulfillment she got out of guiding us into adulthood was truly inspiring. I will miss that bold, ambitious woman who wasn’t afraid to express her opinion without apology, while simultaneously never dismissing her sons for the mistakes they made. I feel blessed to have spent the time I did with a mother that always welcomed us back into the fold anytime we needed to come back home without prejudice. Thank you, Mother. Thank you for making us that anise star and bayleaf seasoned parsnip and rutabaga chicken soup when we were sick in bed. Thank you Mother for not even batting an eye when you offered to sell your silver dollar collection, did it, gave me what you got for it so I could pick my first pick up truck out of hock. I will do my best to never curse in front of the Christmas tree ever again. I promise.”Services are postponed until a later date.
Kathleen(Kathie) Mary Hughes, 68, passed away in her home in Wallingford, Pennsylvania, on January 23,2021. Kathleen was born to Don and Joan Hughes on May 26, 1952 in Brooklyn, New York. She was the first of five children. Kathie earned a Bachelor’s degree from Almeda University in Social Services. She worked for the department ofContinue Reading