Mom:I can't believe it's almost 3 years since you left us. I still think of you everyday, and can't believe it's true. I really miss seeing you and daddy so much. There are so many thing I go through each day that I wish you were here to talk to. I know you are looking down on all of us. I hope you are at peace, and with daddy. I love you and miss you so much. Love Vincent
Happy Anniversary! Hope you and Daddy are at peace! I love you!!
Hi's me again. The birthday cake I tried to add for Daddy didn't work anyway. Have to find a different way to do it for your birthday. I love you Mom.
Hi Mom. What a stupid thing I just did... I wanted to say hi and to tell you I love and miss you so much. I was going to put a cake in Daddy's guest book, but I remembered after and put it in yours accidentally. I can picture you laughing at me. I really miss you Mom and I hope that you're resting in peace.
Sorry Dad, I forgot to add the cake
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Hi Mom.
I miss you so much. I wish I could call and talk to you about my life. I know how curious you always were about that. I never had anything to hide and for the most part, I shared everything with you. Well you'd be glad to know that my life is changing again. I would like to think for the better. Me, Carly and Mia are moving to a new home and beginning a new chapter of memories. I really wish you and Daddy were here to share it with us. Hardly any steps for you to climb, a driveway, deck and even a convenient restroom as well. Imagine that !! I finally got what I wanted but I realize it's too late for you now.
Work is busy as always. I've managed to take on a lot more responsibility and I'm still hoping it will pay off. I believe it will. You and Daddy always tried to teach me perseverance in your own ways. Therefore, that is what I try to practice to help get me through the struggles. I'll keep you posted when I know more.
Carly and Mia are both doing well. Mia is getting so big so fast. She's so much taller than she was when you last saw her and heading into second grade already. The days are just flying by but it still seems like yesterday that we talked. My mind simply will not accept closure. You're still in many of my dreams. Some strange ones but I've been able to interpret their meaning and it brings me comfort. I sure hope you are at peace with Daddy up there. I'll see the two of you this weekend. I love you Mom. You'll always be with me.
I remain your brokenhearted son,
Good morning Mom. This still doesn't seem real at times, although tomorrow will be six months that you're gone. Nothing is the same without you and Daddy here, it's a totally different life for me. I know you're always with me, please continue to be with me. I love and miss you more than you know. Happy Mother's Day in Heaven.
Hi Mom,
I know it's been a while since I've written you anything but nothing has really changed. Everyday seems more difficult than the previous. I still think of you several times throughout each day and also in my dreams, I see and feel you with me.
My mind is still a mess so I suppose there's no changing that. I remember and miss how we joked and talked about that common trait we have. I miss the times I was able to cry to you and how much it helped me get to tomorrow. Now that we cannot have that exchange, my life is a bit emptier and I find it extremely difficult to find anyone to talk to let alone to understand what you and I had. I needed that everyday, just that little reassurance.
Mother's Day is Sunday and I have no idea what that day will bring for me but I can guarantee that I will be alone in my mind with you. Just you and me. I'll be in church as I am each weekend to talk with the Lord and pray that I I continue to see you and Daddy in my dreams. I feel that keeps me from accepting closure and that comforts me. I know you both will be here with me and my family.
We visit you and Daddy every weekend since the stone arrived and I make sure to sit and talk. I know you both hear me. Mia loves to bring you both gifts and she helps me keep the grave clear from debris. She also helps wipe clean your stone so that the both of you remain clear and visible. It's truly a great location right by a beautiful tree. So quiet and peaceful. A light breeze seems to present itself with every visit regardless of the weather conditions. I'd like to believe that is your arms around me, holding me close to you. Ok Mom, I won't keep you any longer. I know you are resting. Have a wonderful Mother's Day and I'll see you on Sunday. I love and miss you more than you could ever know.
I remain your brokenhearted and loving son,
I just was talking with Daddy. I miss the two of you so much. I am having such a tough time dealing with this. Every day it gets tougher and tougher to deal with. I hope you and Daddy are together and happy. At least if I knew that I would feel somewhat better.
I love you!!!
Mom;It's seems so long since I have seen you. I miss you and Daddy so much. I just wrote Daddy a message, telling him how much I miss you both. I try every day to get through, but it is so hard. I still can't believe this has happened. I miss talking with you. All of the days I would come by after work and just the three of us would sit there and talk. The advice you both gave me. You helped me so much with so many different things in my life, that it so hard not to think of you both everyday. I wish you were here to talk to now. I have so many memories of the both of you. I am so grateful for the parents that you both were., and how you taught me to be the person I am today. Mom I love you and miss you so much, words can't describe the empty feeling I have without the two of you. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Mom.... I still can't believe you are gone. I never thought you wouldn't be here for your birthday. I miss you so much. I still think about calling you all the time. I still at times, think about what you will want for dinner, as if I'm coming there after work. There is such an emptiness. It's an emptiness that could only be filled by your voice and your sometimes crazy ways. I actually miss those crazy ways now. I'm glad for the time we had together but it wasn't enough towards the end. I hope you're at peace. I love you always!!!
Happy Birthday Mom
I am still struggling to deal with everything. I thought that I may be a bit better with all of this but I am not. I don't have the desire to really do anything or go anywhere. I really only find comfort at home. Work is a completely different animal altogether. Everyday I dread the lunchtime hour because I get the same empty feeling inside. A feeling of hopelessness, sadness, loneliness and fear. Hopelessness because I don't have anything to look forward to. Sadness because I miss you so much and can't seem to deal with not being able to call you anymore to talk. Loneliness because no one outside of home understands what I'm feeling and fear because I'm not sure when I'll be myself again or when I'll even want to .
You were so special to me Mom and even though having a relationship with you was challenging at times, you were always my mother and I love you for that. I told you so many things in confidence because I knew I could and you had a way of somehow relieving whatever anxiety I experienced, albeit, temporarily. You knew I was there for you too as we discussed on many occasions how our minds were alike. How we always worried about the unimportant things. However irrelevant our concerns should have been, they were ours and we understood each other. No one can replace that time for me now and I feel like a lost being. I have moments of guilt about your last weeks mom that I can't seem to shake. What if you had gotten to the hospital sooner? Perhaps we would have had more time. Perhaps not. So many unanswered questions.
I know how much your heart ached for Daddy. But I'm just not ready to let go. I'm sorry that I can't but I just miss you too much. I have no idea where to go from here and I am trying my best to move forward. I have so much bitterness inside and I am avoiding opportunities to release it. I wonder sometimes what you are doing up there, are you looking at me?
Love and miss you Mom always and forever,
Merry Christmas Mom. What a different Christmas it will be. I love you and miss you so much.
Mom, today is one month since you passed away. It feels like forever. I miss you so much. Nothing is the same. Christmas is next week and, for the first time in my life, I wish I could just stay in bed and skip the whole day. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like without both you and Daddy here with us. I'm not dealing with this well at all. I cry so much. I guess you both see that. I just miss you and Daddy so much. I wish I knew what you both are thinking as you watch over all of us. I will always need both of you with me. I love you so much!! Love you always and forever, Linda
Mom, I miss you so much. I just thought we were going to have more time...
This doesn't seem real to me. Last week at this time you were laying in bed and I was trying to get you to eat and drink something. We never imagined this soon you would be gone. I feel that you gave up because you knew deep down you didn't want to go on without Daddy. I love you Mom and I can only hope and pray that you are at peace now. Please give Daddy the Biggest kiss and hug for me. You two rest now together. You both deserve it. Love you always!
Mom, I cant believe any of this is real. Today was your funeral and last Saturday you were home, not feeling well, but we had no idea how sick you were. Now youre gone and Im just having such a difficult time dealing with this. I cant believe we lost you now - only four months since we lost Daddy. I know you missed him and you felt like you couldnt go on without him. You told me that so many times. When we would talk about what you were feeling, many times I thought that you then felt better, stronger, able to try to learn how to adjust to life without Daddy - I guess I was wrong. I remember the look on your face in the hospital when you said you just wanted to be with Daddy. I knew you had given up on life and that you couldnt be happy without him. It was hard for me to let go, but I wanted you to be happy. I told you it was ok for you to go and that I would be alright. I know Ill have to learn how to go on without you, but its so hard to accept that Ill never talk to you again. You would always listen when I was having a difficult time dealing with something and remind me that I was strong and that I would make the right decision and come through each situation stronger. Youd give me advice, examples of similar situations i had dealt with, and made me believe I could deal with anything. Im not really dealing with losing both you and Daddy in such a short period of time. I feel lost, confused, angry, and so very sad. I know nothing will ever be the same. I miss you so much already. I cant imagine how Im going to get through Thanksgiving on Thursday. It was always my favorite holiday. I loved helping you prepare Thanksgiving dinner, spending the night at your house on Wednesday, Daddy joking around, being silly and trying to tell you how you should be doing things. Every year, you would remind him of how long youd been cooking and Diane and I would laugh. We would do so much laughing the night before Thanksgiving and Im going to miss that so much. Youve left me with many wonderful memories. Not just holiday memories, but my whole life, every new transition, you were there to help guide me with your help and advice. Right there when my children were little, to help and to provide the benefit of your experience as a mother. My children have always been so close to you and for that I will be forever thankful. Theyre really struggling with losing you and Daddy. Please watch over all of us Mom. Keep us strong and continue to guide us. You will always be with me , but I will always miss you. I cant stop crying. I feel so empty. Afraid of not being able to go on without you. I know that losing your mother is something everyone has to go through, but not everyone has the bond that I always felt you and I shared. I will hold on to those memories and try to smile, rather than cry. I hope someday Im able to do that, but I know its going to take time. Im so thankful that you are my mother. You have always had a kind heart and always looked for the good in people. I like to believe that Im like you in that way. Please be with me and watch over all of us. I will always miss you, love you and need you. I will hold you in my heart forever. I hope youre at peace now and I hope youre with Daddy. I know thats what you wanted. I love you Mom. Youre the BEST!! Love you always, Linda.
Mom, Just wanted to say thank you for being my mother and for trying to be strong when deep down, you knew you were not prepared to go on without daddy. I hope the both you are walking side by side while looking down on all of us and smiling. You were the most loving parents a son could ever ask for and I am so very grateful to God that I was chosen to be yours. I love you Mom and Dad and as long as I am afforded the air to breathe, I will cherish the both of you. Miss you both with everything that is me.
Your loving and brokenhearted son,
Sending me and my family's heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I hold years of friendship close to my heart, even though we don't see each other as often as we would like. May your heart hold beautiful memories, especially at this Holiday time of year.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Mr.&Mrs.Horowitz,I Am So Sorry For Your Loss,All Of You Are In My Prays.
May you find comfort in the memories of your loved one. May the God of peace comfort you. 2Thessalonians 2:16,17
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.