Albert F. "Bert" Quercetti, Sr. of Springfield, died on Nov. 21, 2004. He is survived by his beloved wife of 59 years, Rita nee Caruso, his loving son, Albert F. Quercetti Jr., Joann, his loving daughters; Rita Malone Robert, Joan Teeple Gregg, Maria Quercetti and Linda Quercetti, 10 adoring grandchildren and 2 cherished great-grandchildren. HeContinue Reading
We love you "Uncle Bert"
I'll always remember Bert as a nice, kind man with a good sense of humor. I occasionally saw Bert and his wife, Rita, as well as their children when they would visit Aunt Stelle and Uncle Frank at their home on Willow Street in Pottstown my family lived a few houses down from Aunt Stelle and Uncle Frank. My deepest sympathy goes out to his loving family.